Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mini Ching by Sheila Heti/Ted Mineo (2013)

Mini Ching.


2. GRACE (#22)

There are times when the world appears perfectly balanced. Heaven and earth, top and bottom, are in harmony, and surface and depth are aligned. This state of grace is delicate, fragile and transitory. It is not a state one can remain in for long. It implies the beauty of ornament and surfaces. So make this a time when you focus on smaller things. Relish the perfection of everything natural. Find and appreciate tranquillity. Be still. This is not a time to contemplate or make far-reaching decisions.

When you make the transition from this momentary place, how should you proceed?

In preparation for any journey, great or small, one must choose the right clothes to wear on the journey. You must pay attention to your hair, your shoes, your suitcase, everything you are bringing. Any journey to a new place must be set out for in the proper manner, a manner that will show esteem for the new environment, and one’s self in that new place. There is no good in setting off for a new country wearing tennis shoes and pyjamas. First, consider where you are going, then undertake the appropriate rites. The quality of care you give to the smallest details reveals a lot about you, and affects where you end up. So set yourself right before you set off. Set your home right, and put things in their proper places. These small arrangements and decisions are the seeds of significance. They foretell how you will be received in the new land, and what the new land will be. Show respect in all aspects of your being, even the tiniest. Show respect for the place you are entering – which is always the future. Then you will be ushered forth smoothly, not led toward an undesirable realm against your dreams.

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