Black Bess (1866)
Black Bess; or, the knight of the road : a tale of the good old times by Viles, Edward
A Book of Remarkable Criminals
A Book of Remarkable Criminals by H Irving
A Book of Scoundrels
A Book of Scoundrels, by Charles Whibley
The Newgate Calendar 1700-1800
A chronological list of all entries in the Newgate Calendar from 1700 to 1800 A.D. Source.
Some examples.
Who committed so many Forgeries and Cheats that he had not Time to confess them all before he died, on
19th of April, 1700
Executed 10th of July, 1700, for the Murder of their Guest, Mr Oliver Norris
Executed for the Cruel Murder of Miss Price, Whom he had Seduced and Promised Marriage
Housebreaker and Highwayman, who robbed a King at Hertford, and a Church, and was hanged at Tyburn in 1700
Who courted his Master's Daughter and then robbed him. Hanged at Tyburn on 1st of August, 1700 .
An Insolent Puppy who presumed on his Swordsmanship. Executed at Tyburn, 23rd of December, 1723, for murdering his Mistress
Executed at Tyburn, 3rd of February, 1724, for House-breaking, after being warned that the Bellman would say his Verses over him
Made an Unsuccessful Attempt to kill Jonathan Wild by cutting his Throat. Executed in November, 1724, at Newgate
The Terrific Register
The Terrific Register (1825)
The Whitechapel Murders or the mysteries of the East End
The Whitechapel Murders or the mysteries of the East End (1888)
Jack the ripper penny dreadful.
The Wild Boys of London, or Children of the Night
Illustrations from The Wild Boys of London
A Selection of Stories
The Body-Snatchers
Dreadful Account of Cannibalism
Extraordinary Female Duel
Horrid Parricide
The Life of Dick Turpin
Providential Escape
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